When gaming companies offer in-game awards in exchange for real-life actions, it's usually by purchasing themed products like energy drinks. Blizzard is taking on a unique approach by offering in-game rewards in exchange for your blood.

Diablo IV's Blood Harvest
Although it sounds ominous given that you'll be giving blood to get rewards for a game that's titled Diablo IV, it's actually a good deed on the game's part. In exchange for donating blood, Blizzard is offering unique items that can be earned by players.
The blood drive will be taking place between October 20th to November 20th, so there's plenty of time to get your affairs in order to donate. However, only participants who are over 18 and live in the US can contribute, as per the blog post.
To earn the awards, players can visit any blood donation center, donate their blood, and log their contributions. The rewards and benefits that can be achieved will be based on the amount of blood that eligible players have already contributed.
Blizzard's ultimate goal is to get 666 quarts of blood, referencing the devil's number, with specific goal percentages that unlock certain in-game cosmetics or weapons. The three tiers that the company placed are 33%, 66%, and 100%.
Upon reaching 100% or 666 quarts of blood, Blizzard will unlock its custom liquid-cooled PC that's infused with real human blood. Everyone over 18 in the US can join the sweepstakes, even though they haven't participated in the Blood Harvest.
At the time of writing, the bar for the amount of blood donated is already at 25%, and that's just three days after the Blood Harvest started. In no time, Blizzard will achieve the 666 quarts goal to unlock the custom PC sweepstakes.

What Are the Rewards?
The first tier is at 33% which unlocks weapons such as the Bloodpetal Anlace Dagger, the Bloodpetal Sever Axe, the Bloodpetal Heart Necromancer Focus, the Bloodpetal Blade Sword, and the Bloodpetal Bludgeon Druid Staff.
For the second tier at 66%, all players will receive the Loch Raeth Maor Barbarian Armor Cosmetic. It's not until the third tier or 100% until the Vermilion Eye Piebald Mount and the sweepstakes to win the custom real human blood-infused PC will become available.
The PC's specs:
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
CPU: Intel Core i9
SSD: 3 TB storage
Cooling: Quantum Vector GPU Waterblock
Blood Donation Eligibility Requirements
The blood supply dropped by 25% since August and hospitals are using more than the amount coming in. In case you want to help with the goal and donate blood for those who need it, there are certain requirements you need to meet first, as provided by the Red Cross.
For one, you can only donate every 56 days, meaning that you cannot donate now until 56 days have passed since your last donation. You should also be in good health and are feeling well. In most states, the youngest age requirement is 16, but Blizzard requires participants to be 18 or older. You must be at least 110 lbs to donate blood as well.