World of Warcraft announced its new 12-month subscription offer that comes with two new mounts for free.

World of Warcraft Subscriptions
The new subscription bundles reveal special rewards for players through bulk subscription time purchases. The six and 12-month bundles prices can be intimidating and expensive at first glance. However, players will technically save up to $2 per month compared to the usual subscription fee.
Players who will avail of the 12-month offer will receive the Ginormous Grrloc and the Gleaming Moonbeast, which are both brand-new mounts. The Ginormous Grrloc features a purple murloc while the Gleaming Moonbeast is an armored owlbear that uses a model from Patch 10.2.
In addition, subscribers are entitled to get the Nightmarish Emerald Drake for Wrath of Lich King Classic. They also get everything from the current six-month subscription bundle and a mystery item that is yet to be revealed next year.
World of Warcraft Discounts
Players are bound for an exciting trip as World of Warcraft promises exciting inclusions that come with the subscriptions. For instance, players with 12-month subscriptions will get rewards for the upcoming Lunar New Year by the end of January 2024.
The 12-month offer costs $155.88 while the six-month offer is priced at $77.99. This means that each month only costs $12.99 as compared to the one-month subscription that is priced at $14.99.
Players can avail the offer starting October 26 until January 8, 2024.
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