Overwatch Tips And Tricks: Junkenstein's Revenge; Roadhog Oneshot Trick

Junkenstein's Revenge is the first PvE game mode released by Overwatch to celebrate Halloween. Fans have been playing the game non-stop and quite a lot of tips and tricks have been popping up. Some of which work, others not so much. But we've compiled a list of the best tips and tricks out there to help players beat Junkenstein's Revenge even on hardcore.

Role Specific Tips And Tricks

Ana. Apart from being the only healer in the game, which instantly makes Ana the character with the most important role, she can easily dispatch enemies at long range. An ability that you should take advantage of by targeting standard zomnics as they come in - this makes them easy to be finished off by your allies. Change target between bullets to keep a steady stream of damage since Ana has a slow fire rate.

Use sleep dart to interrupt the bosses' ultimates and abilities and grenades to turn off Junkenstein's monster-healing powers. More so, Buff McCree with your ultimates so he can easily destroy them.

Soldier 76. This hero's fast firing rate is great at dispatching the weaker zomnics and destroying Junkenstein's fast-moving tires. One clever trick with Soldier 76 though, involves a great way of keeping Reaper at bay, and keep him from killing your allies. These bosses can only move through the map at certain paths so kiting Reaper with Soldier 76 is a good strategy to render him basically useless all throughout the game.

As Soldier 76, keep your distance from Reaper, but make sure you're the closest one to him among your allies. Go around the path through the bridge and above the water to kite him. He will continue to follow you until the game spawns another Reaper. Kiting two Reapers is tricky but doable as this YouTuber have pointed out and done

Hanzo. Since Hanzo is the heavy hitter within the group, it's a good strategy to focus on the Elites and leave the weaker enemies to your allies. If Junkenstein has spawned, make sure to focus on him as he won't be able to go anywhere. If there are bosses around, finish off any elite zomnics so your allies won't be overwhelmed.

McCree. Keep an eye out for fast moving tires as McCree's pinpoint accuracy makes him effective at taking them out. Use your Flashbang against Junkenstein's Monster and Reaper, it's highly effective against them. His ultimate is effective against all bosses but make sure to keep a safe distance to prevent yourself from getting hooked.

Junkenstein's Revenge AndThe Villains

Reaper will be the first to spawn as your first boss. Be sure to wait after he's done using his wrath form before you deal any damage against him using your ultimate. Dr. Junkenstein will deal significantly huge amounts of damage so make sure to get rid of him as quickly as possible - Hanzo's ultimate is the most effective against him as he can't move from his perch.

Once Mercy appears, she will resurrect characters all at once. Make sure to focus on Mercy and Junkenstein first. Although they're fairly easy to kill, they will cause you the most trouble. Sleep dart the monster then kill Reaper before his ultimate comes up. This will secure the team's win.

Roadhog Oneshot Trick

There's also a trick to Roadhog when you're playing normal multiplayer and this secures a 100 percent oneshot rate even against Reaper or Ana. According to a reddit post, "After you throw the hook you turn 90° away from your target make a small sidestep and after the target got hooked you turn and face your target again. This brings the hooked target MUCH closer to you and you are now able oneshot all the heroes who usually dont get oneshot like Ana, Reaper, Hanzo etc..."

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