Sony takes a trip down to memory lane with its retro-inspired ad for the PlayStation 4 Pro, to be released in just a couple of weeks. The PS4 Pro ad, which calls the upcoming gaming platform as "the world's most powerful console", gives a feeling that we are in Netflix's huge hit tv series, Stranger Things.
PS4 Pro Ad
With a tie-in to the Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Zombies in Spaceland Survival Mode, the first ever PS4 Pro commercial gives us a nostalgic trip to the 80's. As unveiled in the ad, the latest of Sony's gaming units is dubbed as the "supercharged PlayStation 4 Pro console system" that boasts its "revolutionary cord-free player paddle joysticks". While there wasn't any mention of the Pro having HDR or 4k Support, the ad is still making waves as it focuses on the mass market instead of giving out too-technical specs.
Additionally, the PS4 Pro ad shows a guy rocking the "cool outfit" in the 80's - denim, Reooks, and a mullet! Now that seriously caught the attention of viewers of all ages! Even PlayStation UK's tweet about the ad has had a thousand retweets!
Reebok Pumps… MJ… GnR… Pac-man… BTTF and PS4 Pro? We ♡ the 80s! #Woahhh
— PlayStation UK (@PlayStationUK) October 28, 2016
PS4 Pro Specs
PS4 Pro release date is set for Nov. 10 and will cost $399. One of the features Sony is boasting with the latest gaming console is that it has a 1TB hard drive and a doubled GPU power. Its technology also adapts the AMD Polaris graphics. With the said abovementioned specs of the PS4 Pro, it confirms that it "may reach resolutions that are not thought possible on consoles in 2016".
Sony also promises that the PS4 Pro will "render higher or more consistent framerates, increased environmental and character model detail, improved overall visual quality, and other related visual enhancements."
And to clarify, you can use the PS4 Pro on any TV that has HDMI but you will get the best out of Sony's PlayStation 4 Pro with a 4K TV. So no need to worry about selling your old TV unless of course you want to get the best out the Pro.