Pokemon GO Update: Eevee Now In 5KM Eggs, Spawn Migration Ongoing, Players Report Finding Unique Pokemon

Pokemon GO is undergoing changes right now which involve getting an Eevee from 5KM eggs. There is also a current migration going on right now.

The Eevee In 5 KM Eggs

Some Pokemon Go players are reporting that Eevee is now available in 5Km Eggs. Previously, Eevee could only be hatched from 10KM Egg. Pokemon GO players are rejoicing that Niantic decided to lower the hatching requirement for Eevee. It's a nice Pokemon but many players think that it's not rare enough to be included in a 10KM Egg.

Ongoing Spawn Migration In Pokemon GO?

The Pokemon GO Halloween event has been a success based on the feedback from the players. Ghost types Pokemon such as the Ghastly, Haunter and candy drops were plentiful in the game. Niantic however, has decided to continue the giving by launching another Pokemon spawn migration.

The event is quite recent and reports are still coming in according to the Silph Road. What is interesting about the sixth migration is the biodiversity of the Pokemon spawn. The Reddit post reported the increased spawn of Fire type Pokemon.

This report seems to be true since I can personally attest to this. Normally, I usually get a Cubone, Marowak, Meowth, Drowzee, Hypno, and the occasional Pidgey at the office. Lately I am getting all sorts of new Pokemon like Ekans, Eevee, Poliwag, Caterpie, Weddle, Paras, Venonat, Clefairy, Machop, Growlith, Pidgeotto and Spearow. The Pidgey spawns though are occurring more frequently now. There are also times when two different Pokemon will appear at the same time at almost the same spot or close to each other. Niantic however, has to confirm if the biodiversity of the sixth Pokemon spawn migration is temporary or permanent.

There are several reasons why the developer is currently spawning a lot of Pokemon. Perhaps Niantic is trying to convince former players to return? Maybe Niantic is preparing to add a feature to the game such as the trading system or even the release of the legendary Pokemon or the second generation. Whatever their reason, they have regain the goodwill of many Pokemon GO players.

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