Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Guide: How To Unlock All Skills

Today, we're going to talk about how you can unlock all the possible unlockable skills in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2. We will also be showing you a video down below to give you a clear step-by-step guide on how to unlock all the skills in the game.

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2: All Unlockable Skills

Fighting Style

When creating your character, you will be prompted on which styles you prefer. All of these three skills can be unlocked for your character but take note that these are beginning skills and don't offer much for you. Nonetheless, you can still obtain it if you want.

Parallel Quests

The second method to unlock hidden skills is by doing all Parallel quests. Note that the chances of obtaining the skills are random and you may need to clear the quest a couple of times before getting the reward. We've talked about how you can unlock Super God Fist and increase your chance to unlock all skills on parallel quests in this article.

Advancement Test

Just like the Parallel Quest, clear all the Advancement tests to unlock the skills on its respective rewards but take note that in order for you to get the last test, you need to Z rank all of the other tests before it. Once you clear the last Advancement test, you'll unlock Potential Unleashed which is one of the best transformations in the game.

Instructor Test

Throughout Conton City, you'll find numerous instructors that lets you unlock specific skills and abilities (usually their signature moves) upon completing their missions. They are marked with pink-buildings in your map. For example, if you take Krillin as your mentor, you can unlock Destructo-Disc. Note that you can have multiple trainers at the same time.

Summon Shenron

Summoning Shenron will let you unlock multiple end-game abilities. If you choose "I want a new Ultimate Attack," you will be given: Hit, Eis Shenron and Nuova Shenron Ultimate Attacks. If you choose "I want a new Super Attack," you will be given: Hit's Flash Fist, Eis Shenron and Nuova Shenron Super Attacks. If you opted for "I want another new Ultimate Attack" (which will be unlock once you collected all 7 Dragon Balls the second time around), you will be given: Omega Shenron's ultimate attack. If you then choose "I want another new Ultimate Attack," you will be given: two of Omega Shenron's Ultimate attacks including the Whirlwind Blade. Take note that you need to gather all Dragon Balls multiple times in order to unlock all of the abilities that can be obtained via Shenron's Wish.

Expert Mission

Just like the Parallel Quests and Advancement Tests, you can unlock certain skills via Expert Mission. Take note that you may need to clear the missions multiple times in order to unlock the reward. Some says that Z ranking the missions may improve your chances of unlocking the skills faster but this wasn't officially confirmed by Bandai. Nonetheless, it won't hurt Z Rakning All Quests and Missions. We've made a guide on how you can Z Rank all Parallel and Expert Missions easily in this article.

TP Medal Shop

The place where you can unlock some of the best skills in the game is in the TP Medal Shop. You can exchange your TP Medals for high quality abilities via TP Medal Shop which is open only from Fridays to Mondays. This means that you need to accumulate as much TP Medals as you can during Mondays to Thursdays.

Skill Shop

Lastly, you can unlock some skills and abilities by buying them in the Skill Shop. You can purchase them via Zeni or with the use of TP Medals. Although most people will say that you should use your Zeni since TP Medals are harder to grind, you can actually farm TP Medals easily with our TP Medal guide here.

We hope that this guide help you in unlocking all the skills and abilities in the game! We didn't name all the abilities you can unlock in the game due to the character limitation for each article. Nonetheless, check out more of our Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Tips and Guides for more! Credits to SomeMoeGaming for all the info and the video.

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