Pokemon Sun And Moon Tips, Tricks: How To Hatch Eggs Faster

Hatching eggs is one of the most mundane things in Pokemon Sun and Moon, but also one of the most exciting. It can take too long, but there are ways to hasten the process. The first thing to do is, of course, get an egg. That's where we would start. Read on to learn how to hatch your Pokemon eggs faster.

Like in Pokemon GO and other titles in the franchise, you need to take a certain amount of steps to hatch the egg in Pokemon Sun and Moon. It is different for every species, so make sure you know just how many you need for that particular egg.

Utilize Your Tauros

A quick and easy way of earning distance is to ride your Tauros and press B to charge. You can do this in a straight line. The best places to do this are the Heahea City on Akala Island and Route 6. You can also do this in circles, but be careful of doing this too often as it might take a toll on the thumb pad.

If you choose to run around in circles, do this just outside the Nursery in Pokemon Sun and Moon. That way you can immediately spot if you have an egg ready to be hatched. The nurse outside has a signal for this: she should fold her hands. That way, you would not waste precious time you would have spent if you were someplace else going back to the nursery. However, this is only recommended if you got time to just sit and run around.

Use Flame Body Or Magma Armor

Another trick that has also been used in the past titles include having a Pokemon that has the Flame Body or Magma Armor abilities. By keeping the egg nice and toasty, the hatching process will be sped up by as much as 100 percent. Watch out for Ponyta, Moltres, Magmar, Slugma, Volcarona and others that have either of these two.

Take it a notch higher and have this ability PLUS run around using Tauros. This would make the eggs hatch much faster. The egg is warm while you earn your steps fast.

Leave The Egg On Poke Pelago

If you know you will be gone for a while, just drop off your egg in the hot springs of Poke Pelago. Go to the Isle Avue and leave the egg there to incubate. This way, you know you have a pleasant surprise when you come back to Pokemon Sun and Moon.

The Festival Plaza

A GameFAQs forum user mentioned that a shop in Festival Plaza offers a service that will make eggs hatch almost immediately. You have to take a single step afterward, though, but compared to the usual number of steps you have to take, that's incredibly low.

These are some of the methods that have been proven to make eggs hatch faster in Pokemon Sun and Moon. If you have discovered a trick, please let us know in the comments below. Meanwhile, check out our other guides on all Team Skull's passwords, catching a female Salandit, getting a Shiny Pokemon and transferring Pokemon from past titles.

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