Pokemon Trading Can Be Done In Pokemon Sun And Moon; Here’s How

Trading options actually exist in Pokemon Sun and Moon. But it's not something that all Pokemon players know about. In this post, you will learn how you can trade your Pokemon with your friends in Pokemon Sun and Moon, locally or worldwide. Don't worry, Pokemon trading is very easy and you can learn it in no time at all.

How To Trade Pokemon With Your Friends In Pokemon Sun And Moon

So how do you trade the Pokemon you own for another one in Pokemon Sun and Moon? Location is an important factor in Pokemon trading. You can also do it in two ways. First, you may choose to trade Pokemon locally. This only means that you trade with another Poke trainer who is already near or next to you. To do this, launch the Menu by pressing the X button. Choose Quick Link to link your 3DS to your friend's. Hold down your screens until both of your consoles are linked. Once this is done, you can now trade any Pokemon you choose by going to the Trade menu and choosing the Pokemon you wish to trade in Pokemon Sun and Moon.

Link Trading In Pokemon Sun And Moon

There are cases when you are not always near your friends, right? But being too far away from them doesn't necessarily mean that you cannot trade your Pokemon with them. To do long distance trading or link trading, you need to have an Internet connection. The same process for local trading also applies for link trading. You just have to select the option for Festival Plaza after opening the Menu. Once you are done with the setup, you will see two circles where you can either do battle or trade Pokemon. To connect to the internet, click the blue circle that you see at the bottom of the screen of Pokemon Sun and Moon. Now, you will be able to see the Trade circle and do the kind of trading that you wish to do since there are several options for you.

Various Trading Options Using Link Trade In Pokemon Sun And Moon

Another advantage of using Link Trade is that it allows you to choose several trading options among your friends in Pokemon Sun and Moon. How? First, you can use Link Trade to trade with guests or friends in Festival Plaza. You can also use the Global Trade System or GTS to trade with random Pokemon players all across the world. All you have to do is deposit the Pokemon you wish to trade in GTS and wait to get your own Pokemon, which may be a Starter or an exclusive in Pokemon Sun and Moon.

Lastly, you can trade using Wonder Trade. Just like GTS, you can trade Pokemon with random players in the world and receive a Pokemon in return. If you want to easily find your friends when trading in Pokemon Sun and Moon, simply make them VIPs in Festival Plaza. How? Just talk to them when you come by the plaza or page them when they are inside the castle. Having a VIP list will make choosing your friends to trade with easier.

And that's it! Pretty easy right? Now, you can trade all the Pokemon you want in Pokemon Sun and Moon without sweat.

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