'The Flash' Season 3 Episode 12: Wally Makes Progress In Being Kid Flash; Iris' Death Inevitable?

CW has recently released "The Flash" Season three episode 12 with some of the greatest villains that came through from Flashpoint universe. For one, Iris' possible death was shortly given light in the episode and Wally makes great progress in his training.

Recap On "The Flash" Season 3 Episode 12: Wally Makes Breakthrough In Speedster Training To Save Iris

As a recap for "The Flash" season three, there have been many events that transpired which led to the team getting closer into defeating Savitar in the future. Iris' life was in danger when the new metahuman that came to Central City took her captive and had her being threatened of turning into ashes. Since it has already been depicted that Iris will reportedly die in the hands of Savitar, it was clear that it was not yet her dying moment. However, everyone got a taste of it and worked altogether to save her.

Wally was able to successfully do his job as Kid Flash, a helping hand to Barry. During the start of the episode, the latter has been having second thoughts about Wally since his training is not going all that well. However, with Iris' fate now on their hands, he was able to withstand his training and successfully tried "phasing," which Barry has taught him. Thus, it is safe to say that Kid Flash can now be a great asset to the team with his powers and skills continually improving.

Team Flash Ready To Come Together To Save Iris From Her Future Demise

In this episode, Joe also found out about Iris' possible demise in the future, to which he reacted negatively after it was hidden from him. Nevertheless, the team showed such great efforts in saving Iris from the metahuman that they strongly believe could withstand Savitar with the proper training. Given how "The Flash" season three episode 12 ended, it has been an indicator that the next episodes will be the one of Grodd, the gorilla; which will be set in Earth Two. Fans of the series now cannot wait for the coming episodes which have been confirmed to happen long before the season premiered.

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