Xbox Scorpio 2017: 12 Things You Need To Know About This Powerful Gaming Console

The Xbox Project Scorpio is Microsoft's next evolution in Xbox hardware and is said to be something more powerful than any current video console available. With that being said, what are the things that we need to know about this "powerful" machine? Well, here are 12 things about the new upcoming console:

It Is More Than An Upgrade

In a way, it can be considered to be the sequel to the Xbox One. However, given that Microsoft is also bringing the Xbox One Slim to the table, the Xbox Scorpio in a sense could be a higher upgrade or a higher alternative.

Okay, let's say you have a level 1 weapon and you want to upgrade it. In this way, the level 2 is the Xbox One Slim, while the Xbox Scorpio is the level 3 upgrade.

The Xbox Scorpio Will Be Released In 2017

Given that it has been four long years since the release of the Xbox One, it is probably the right time for a new console, right? But that also means it will overshadow the Xbox One Slim.

It Could Be The Last Console Microsoft Will Ever Produce

Last year, Aaron Greenberg, Xbox's project manager, mentioned on an interview that the future is without console generations and they are betting it all on the Project Scorpio. Whatever may be the outcome of it, Microsoft will be basing its future plans on it.

The Xbox Scorpio Will Be Powerful

Microsoft has said that they are going to make the Xbox Scorpio powerful. And based on the little rumors that we have heard here and there, it does sound like it will definitely be.

There are rumors claiming that it could be powered by AMD's Vega chip, something that is yet to be seen. Rumors aside, Microsoft's lovely Project Scorpio announcement video from various sponsor also indicated that the console is capable of transferring 320 GB per second, which means it is likely to be equipped with 12 GB of GDDR5 RAM.

The Xbox Scorpio Can Run Xbox One Titles And Peripherals, But...

The Xbox Scorpio will be fully compatible with Xbox One controllers, Kinect, games and including the digital Xbox One content, making it both VR and 4K ready. However, there will be games that are exclusive to Xbox Scorpio that the Xbox One cannot run.

There Could Be A 'Trade-in/Trade-up' System For Project Scorpio

Let's face it, based on the reports regarding the Xbox Scorpio, one could only assume that it will be pricey. However, Microsoft is reported to be looking at ways to soften the blow for those who would want to make the jump up to a bigger and much better hardware.

Dace McCarthy, Xbox general manager, explained at an interview that Microsoft will be looking to work with retailers on trade-in programs. If this is true, then Xbox fans won't really feel that sting on their wallets.

The Xbox Scorpio Will Run On Xbox One Games Better

Phil Spence, shared on an interview that an Xbox One game running on the Xbox Scorpio will look different and may run a little better. Now, this may be a bit obvious, but it is expected.

The Xbox Scorpio Is Built For VR And Oculus

Microsoft is working with Oculus on the Xbox Scorpio. In a way, this was kind of expected, because there was already an established partnership in place with the Rift headset. So for Microsoft to be working with Oculus from the early stages of the Xbox Scorpio, it can be assumed that this console won't just be capable of playing games in VR, but is actually built for VR.

The Xbox Scorpio Will Be Faster And More Powerful Than The PS4 Pro

This is a touchy subject between games. But reports suggest that the Xbox Scorpio will leave the PS4 Pro in the dust. Not only is the Xbox Scorpio leapfrogging Sony's newer VR-ready device, but is also planning on being so far ahead that the PS4 Pro can't catch up. The only difference will all boil down to the retail price.

The Xbox Scorpio And Xbox One Represents A New Hardware Plan For Microsoft

If the Xbox Scorpio will be the last console that Microsoft puts out, it will take on a PC-like evolution instead. This is no surprise, because Microsoft is bringing Xbox One and Windows 10 closer together with each software update. Users can now get Cortana on their Xbox One and all forthcoming Xbox One games will also work on PC, which is free of charge by the way.

What Will It Look Like?

As of now, it is only a box with a motherboard in and a bunch of wires that the developers have been privy to. But if you ask me, as long as the console is not 20 kg or more, I could care less what it will look like. All I care about is the gaming experience it can offer.

Microsoft Dropping A Hint Of The Xbox Scorpio's Price

Previously, Microsoft mentioned that the upcoming Xbox Scorpio will be like a high-end PC worth thousands of dollars, on which many fans cringed. As if the DLCs are not already enough to piss us gamers.

However, Phil Spence clarifies that the Xbox Scorpio will compete at a console price-point. He also mentioned that the Xbox Scorpio will cost more than the Xbox One S, which is currently price at £250 ($313).

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