A Google Docs bug crashes the web-based word processing app when users type the words "and" or "but" several times successively.

Google Docs
The online word processor of the tech giant Google has been growing as it offers itself for free as an alternative to the iconic Microsoft Word.
Word processing platforms like Google Docs have been more popular than ever as more and more people ditch paper to write documents.
Not to mention that these apps also offer handy features like grammar suggestions and a spelling checker. Docs also allows its user to automatically save their writing to the cloud, helping them avoid starting over again with a blank page.
Google Docs Bug Crash
However, as per a news story by Bleeping Computer, Google Docs has a weird bug that annoyingly crashes it when a specific series of words have been written.
The worst part about it is that the crashing cycle continues when users are trying to access their document again, making it impossible to go back to where they stopped before triggering the bug.
Bleeping Computer said in its report that the search engine tech giant has already confirmed the bug. In fact, Google said it is already figuring out a solution to the said bug.

The bug on Google Docs made it to the Google Docs Editors Help forum, thanks to a user named Pat Needham.
The Google Docs user shared his experience with what appears to be a bug on the online word processor.
Needham shared that Google Docs starts crashing out of nowhere when "And. And. And. And. And." is written. But it only triggers the bug when the grammar suggestion of the online word processor is enabled.
Meanwhile, another Google Docs user, Sergii Dymchenko shared that the words "But. But. But. But. But.," is also triggering the same crashing reaction from the word processor.
On top of that, some users also raised that typing "Also, Therefore, And, Anyway, But, Who, Why, Besides, However," also ends up crashing Docs.
Although in most cases, users will barely type these specific words on the word processing app of Google, it appears that there are folks who do.
Thanks to them, we knew about this bug that triggers Docs to crash when it sees these words.
Google Docs Crashing Bug: How to Fix
While Google is still working on an official fix to avoid the crashes, there is a simple workaround to avoid it from happening to you.
As mentioned, it only triggers the bug when the "Show grammar suggestions" is turned on. As such, disabling it before typing "And. And. And. And. And." and "But. But. But. But. But." should do the job.
Better yet, just avoid typing these words or strings on Google Docs if possible.