There is a new viral trend in TikTok and this time it involves a fictional currency. People on the platform are spending, collecting, and losing a form of fictional money. It is known as "doubloons" aka "dabloons."
According to The New York Times, the hashtag #dabloons, which marks the dabloon-centered videos, already has over 417 million views on the platform. In 24 hours, the number had increased by over 150 million and it keeps on growing.

Origin of TikTok Dabloons
According to Know Your Meme, TikTok Dabloon is an imaginary currency on the popular platform TikTok that started in November 2022.
The viral trend has reference to a TikTok photo slideshow wherein an offer is made by the black 4 Dabloons Cat. The Dabloons Cat says "Hello traveler," and afterward offers the viewer a trade for a certain number of dabloons.
On April 15, 2021, a photo of a tiny kitten paw with the bottom caption reading, "4 dabloons" was posted by the Instagram page catz.jpeg. Dabloons, then, were referenced to cat toes. The post obtained roughly 21,900 likes over the course of a year and a half.
After almost a week, on April 23, another Dabloons Cat meme was posted by the page on the platform. This time, the page used an image of a black cat. The post got roughly 36,700 likes, over the same time period.
In the months that follow, the 4 Dabloons Cat meme spread on various platforms. Eventually, dabloons went viral on TikTok in late 2022, and many creators joked about the dabloons economy. The creators, later on, levied their own net worth in dabloons.
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Dabloons Go Viral in TikTok
In the social media platform, people are accounting for their Dabloons, according to Mashable. This fictional currency is collected based on how many you come across on the platform.
Literally, you earn a dabloon if you see a dabloon. There are individual videos that offer individual amounts and items, depending on what you come across.
For instance, there is one video from a TikTok influencer that offers people a chance to be instantly relieved of their dabloons debt. All you have to do is "like" the video and your imaginary debt will be gone.
So how far does this game go? There are people who are keeping track of their dabloons on Excel spreadsheets, while there are others who have analyzed the rising "dabloon inflation".
As people started keeping track of their purchases and available finances through spreadsheets, there was a completely organic, semi-functional virtual economy created.
According to The Verge, there were even numerous "breaking news" bulletins about dabloons. It features feline correspondents who are reporting on the crashing value of dabloons.
It is entertaining to see that the feline correspondents are also naming and shaming some accounts of users who are "giving away" irresponsible sums of the fictitious currency.
This viral trend already went far as councils were formed to regulate the market. Now, there are even secret anti-dabloon capitalist rebellions being formed to overthrow the system.
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