One Diablo IV player unveiled his discovery and detailed how the review scores on Steam have been manipulated by an unknown party.

Diablo IV's Issue on Review Bombing
Halfway through the year, Blizzard Entertainment released the newest installment to the Diablo franchise. However, many fans were quick to bombard Diablo IV's review section with negative comments due to unsatisfactory gameplay.
Although the game still received a fairly positive score on Metacritic, many gamers continued to express their frustration with the game after the debut of Patch 1.1, a few days before the release of Season of the Malignant.
With the negative reviews, seemingly overpowering the positive feedback on the game, a Reddit user discovered that there are a series of positive ratings on Diablo IV that are suspiciously uniform in writing.
According to user Nodlimax, the positive ratings are possibly written by Steam bot accounts. All the reviews have "-blizzard" on them, and most of the accounts are only two weeks old.
Diablo IV Alleged Bot-Written Positive Reviews
Upon investigating, Nodlimax pointed out that the accounts have unreal play hours despite being two weeks old. "Some serious foul play is going on here and if Activision is actually involved in this that would be a new low," he added.
Meanwhile, another Reddit user defended the suspicious reviews in question stating that they are marked as "Steam Key reviews" coming from people who played during a free weekend or received the game as a Steam key.
"Diablo's recent score is rising because of the Steam Awards, Every year they give you a badge and some profile XP for nominating games in every category, and writing a review for a game you nominated upgrades the badge," user 113mac113 argued.
Other users also weighed on the situation. Regardless, there are still questions on who is responsible for the situation. For now, Diablo IV only has 65% positive reviews.
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