Holidays are the time of the year when scams take place at rampant speed. During this time, scammers become more active, taking advantage of the increased online shopping, charitable giving, and excitement of the season. Holiday scams, fake gift cards, fraudulent websites, and social media scams sit on the highest pedestal. The advancement of technology ensured audio and mimic effects could be incorporated to mimic the voices of loved ones.
According to CyberGhost, scammers nowadays are finding different ways to scam. Even artificial intelligence is used by scammers to extract the personal and financial information of the victims. Be it on your PC or your cell phone. The scammers are developing new ways to steal money from you.
How Scammers Encash During Holidays?
Scammers are very sharp; they just get to the nub of an individual and try to target them in different ways. Potentially, the scammers can target you by following the methods given below.
1. Fake Gift Exchange
One of the common scams during holidays is a fake gift exchange. The scammers tend to lure the victims on the pretext of false promises of delivering multiple gifts in return for sending just one. But in the end, they just get disappointed in receiving none and thereby feel duped.
2. Exploiting Holiday Rush
Scammers pretend delivery companies and tour travelers are encashed by sending fake messages to victims under the pretext of offering services at comparatively low prices, therefore sending the links to the email or mobile number of the users. Once you click on the said link, you are directed to a fake destination, ultimately leading to scamming.
How to Protect Scams During Holidays?
Scams during the holidays can be averted. In order to avoid such mishappening, you can follow the given points in the form of preventive measures.
1. Be Cautious of Unsolicited Offers
Not all offers are for real. Any offer that you find not to be true. In such a case, you must avoid clicking on links and providing your personal information, knowing that it could lead to a breach of trust.
2. Verify Information
It is important to check and cross-check the information before making any such payment. You need to verify the website address and the contact information of any company you are considering doing business with.
3. Update Your Password Regularly
You have to be particular with your passwords. You must have a strong password and update it regularly so that it is not breached and does not fall into the wrong hands. This will make sure that scammers do not get hold of your personal information.
4. Be Mindful of Your Online Activity
You must be careful with your online activity. This is even more important if you are using social media platforms. Avoid sharing any of your personal information on any social media platform like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and others because it is where scammers will encash the opportunity to extract your information.
5. Report Suspicious Activity
At times, you notice something unusual happening. It simply means that the scammers are targeting you. In such a case, it is advisable to report any such suspicious activity to the concerned authorities for appropriate action.
So, it has come to the fore that scammers can potentially spoil your holidays by duping you. There are different ways the scammers work during the holidays. However, it is avoidable, and the entire happening can be averted if you are mindful and take the necessary preventive measures, as explained in the article above.