As connected car systems are becoming popular, Voyomotive introduces a dongle that can turn an ordinary car into a smart car. The Voyo dongle connects cars' OBD-II systems that enable the owners to track their ride's stats.
It takes a lot of amount of glamor to stand out among the rest and Voyomotive seemed to have made its efforts in producing a tiny device that can change people's driving habits. The car startup has developed a dongle that connects to a car's computer interface via onboard diagnostics as well as via the relay panels.
By linking the two port systems, people are able to transform their cars to smart cars. Folks can turn their car's engines on and off at will, manage and sense fuel ingestion and even save gasoline by turning off the engine when the traffic lights go red.
Voyomotive Chief Executive Officer Peter Yorke demonstrated the system in New York, and he was able to transform a standard rental car into a smart car just by adding the dongle. With a controller that can manage the car's engine, Voyo allows far more car flexibility as compared to other similar systems out in the market.
In addition, he stated that an after-market connected car systems have yet to understand and comprehend the full capabilities of automotive Internet of Things, as current merchandises only track a small amount of existing vehicle factors and at a very sluggish degree, which considerably restricts its worth.
The Voyo system can gather 100 times faster the amount of information from a much wider variety of vehicle records and process it intensely fast and enables a powerful set of applications.
Voyo's team has been renting vehicles and reverse engineering the control programs to guarantee that the scheme will let folks control almost any automobile out on the market. With the dongle, people can track all of their vehicle statistics, look for the car if it has been carjacked and disable the car's engines or lock its doors with a press of a thumb.
The startup firm's idea for a standard vehicle to change into a smart car is pretty clever instead of buying one and with it a pretty good use to its dongle as a car security system. Firms like Voyo are about to get very thought-provoking now that connected car systems are thick on the ground.