The world of business is presently overseeing the current condition of Verizon. All the more, the latest Verizon strike update theorized of the Communication Workers of America (CWA) resurgence. Also, the notion that the union workers are rejecting the White House intervention is rising. And the union workers' children are seen picketing with their parents to join the protest.
Despite the intervention that the Obama administration has done, the Verizon strikers are not fully convinced of the assistance from the government. It has been noted that the workers are aware of the news blackout as a means to overturn the decision in favor of Verizon.
Owing to the distrust in the system and negotiations in placed, even the union workers children have joined the picket fence to support their parents and to make their voices stronger. Some children were even seen holding out signs in support for change and ending of outsourcing jobs from other places.
.@Verizon, meet the kids facing the consequences of your greed. No insurance. No pay for 39 days #VerizonStrike
— CWA District 1 (@CWADistrict1) May 21, 2016
According to the words from the workers, as cited by World Socialist Web Site, they were determined to defeat any attempt by the union to repeat the 2011 sell out, when a strike was ended without a contract and a federal mediator imposed concessions.
This particular scenario has occurred in the past, and the Verizon strikers do not want to repeat the history wherein the outcome did not bode in their favor. To prove the latter, a certain union worker by the name of Gisela who was working for Verizon for 17 years knew that there is a possibility that history will indeed repeat itself.
According to Gisela, as cited by the same post, "We were sold out. We started having to pay our medical, unlimited sick days were cut to 10 days, an increasing percentage of jobs were outsourced, and there were a lot of relocations after that."
"Most of us here on this picket came from the Bronx. I live in the Bronx. There was a rumor that we may get sent to Garden City out on Long Island after the strike ends. Many of my co-workers rely on public transportation so we think it is to get rid of people," Gisela added.
It has been reported in the past by iTech Post that the Verizon strike has affected the operations of the company. Also, losses have been speculated to render giant deficits for the tech company.