The Pokémon Company's recent mobile-based trading card game, "Pokémon TCG Pocket," is set to launch another booster pack. However, a lingering question among players remains: will the older packs disappear? The good news for fans is that the original three booster packs under the "Genetic Apex" series will remain available, with developers assuring players that these fan favorites will not be leaving anytime soon.
Unlike typical video games where limited-time content is often phased out to make room for new additions, "Pokémon TCG Pocket" offers a different experience. Since the game is a mobile adaptation rather than a traditional video game, the original packs will continue to coexist alongside new releases.
'Pokémon TCG Pocket's' Old Booster Packs Are Not Going Away
In a recent post on X, "Pokémon TCG Pocket - Japan" reassured its fanbase that they can take their time opening the existing booster packs in the game, without the pressure to rush or hoard resources. Players are encouraged to proceed at their own pace and continue enjoying the current packs until the new ones arrive.
This announcement, reported by ComicBook Gaming, specifically addresses concerns about the "Genetic Apex" and "Mythical Island" series booster packs. The developers have confirmed that these older packs will remain available despite the upcoming additions. However, they also cautioned that there is no permanent guarantee that the packs will remain in the game indefinitely, leaving the possibility open for future changes.
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New 'Space-Time Smackdown' Booster Packs Coming Soon
While older booster packs remain intact, "Pokémon TCG Pocket" is preparing to roll out the "Space-Time Smackdown" series, which will introduce a fresh set of cards from another generation of the Pokémon universe. The new boosters are set to launch on January 30, marking the first multi-set release since the "Genetic Apex" series. This release follows the "Mythical Island" pack, which only featured one set of cards.
'Pokémon TCG Pocket': The Famed Mobile TCG
Although mobile trading card games have faced criticism from purists who prefer the traditional experience of trading physical cards, "Pokémon TCG Pocket" has been well-received by players. For those who may not have access to physical cards or lack the time to engage in longer sessions, the mobile version offers a simplified and accessible experience. While many players enjoy the tactile nature and social aspect of trading physical cards with friends or at events, "Pokémon TCG Pocket" provides a convenient alternative that captures the essence of the original game.
Released last year, "Pokémon TCG Pocket" quickly gained popularity for its lighter approach to the card game, with shorter gameplay sessions that appeal to casual players. The game launched with 286 cards to collect, including Generation I Pokémon, trainers, support cards, and more than 60 secret rares and special event collectibles.
The first booster pack expansion arrived in December, featuring the "Mythical Island" set, which added Generation II and Generation IV Pokémon. Now, with the upcoming "Space-Time Smackdown" release, fans can expect new cards while still having access to older packs, ensuring that "Pokémon TCG Pocket" continues to provide an evolving yet familiar experience.