After the game has been successfully launched few weeks ago, the most-hyped open-universe adventure game No Man's Sky has not been living up to the expectations and players are in huge disappointment as the game moves forward. Several players are frustrated on the gameplay and countless bugs that they had encountered in the game. Based on the reports, the number of active players of the game harshly fell week after week. Luckily, major retailers are now offering refund requests to those players who purchased the game regardless of the playing time.
According to Game Rant, it is mainly caused by players' backlash over No Man's Sky and most of them are requesting refunds. Major retailers such as Amazon US, Steam and Sony are now secretly accepting refund requests for the game. Good news is that they are disregarding the number of time played by a player. That means a player can ask for refund for No Man's Sky regardless of the number of hours a player dedicates on the game.
Rumors said that this current refunding efforts especially dropping the number of hours played is against the official refund policy of Steam, which clearly states that a refund request must be made within 14 days of purchase and less than two hours of game played. With that being stated, it may still take some time for players to get their refund. It has also been reported that some players took numerous tries before their refund requests are accepted.
According to Inquistr, some of the players had now been posting their successful refund from the major retailers. On the other hand, Hello Games has already released several updates for the game's PlayStation 4 version and is focusing on fixing several crashing issues entirely. In addition, they are also planning on adding a paid expansion pack that includes new content and features and extended gameplay.
No Man's Sky has been racking up the community since it was introduced. Most of the gamers are hyped on the game due to its style of play. However, the game's performance was not satisfying enough for some of the players at all. Thankfully, Amazon, Sony and Steam are offering these refunds for the early buyers for the game.