One of the highly anticipated movies to be released by Marvel Cinematic Universe is "Thor: Ragnarok," starring Chris Hemsworth to play Thor. Just recently, a video has been revealed explaining the location of Thor during "Captain America: Civil War" and what he was up to at the time.
Whereabouts Of Thor During Events Of "Captain America: Civil War" Revealed
During the Marvel San Diego Comic-Con panel, director Taika Waititi revealed a video that explains the whereabouts of Thor during the events that occurred on "Captain America: Civil War." As the avengers were fighting with each other, Thor was allegedly in Australia, taking some time off as reported by Game and Guide.
In what looks like a documentary type of video, Thor explains that he needed time after the events that occurred during the "Avengers: Age of Ultron" and decided to move to Australia and lived with a guy named Darryl Jacobson. This has been his life prior to the coming of his film, "Thor: Ragnarok" to fill in the voids of his disappearance.
Doctor Strange To Allegedly Make An Appearance On "Thor: Ragnarok"
In addition to that, there have been talks about the appearance of actor Benedict Cumberbatch in "Thor: Ragnarok" as he will be the one starring in a Marvel movie entitled "Doctor Strange." According to Parent Herald, writer of the film "Thor: Ragnarok" recently posted a teaser photo on his twitter account, featuring protagonist holding a business card with an address that is known to the Marvel fans out there, the address of Strange's residence.
Valkyrie To Be New Love Interest Of Thor In Upcoming Marvel Film
"Thor: Ragnarok" features the story among friends; Thor, Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) and Loki (Tom Hiddleston). There have also been reports of a new love interest for Thor, Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson). This is allegedly because Dr. Foster (Natalie Portman) will not be returning to the film, who was initially his love interest in the previous Marvel movie he was in. The movie is set to be in theatres on November 3, 2017.