"Attack On Titan" Season 2 has been anticipated by anime fans for quite a while. With numerous plot leaks and updates, it is most likely that the series will take a different turn compared to its manga version.
As expected, "Attack On Titan" Season 2 will still focus on Eren, Mikasa, Armin and Levi together with their friends from the Survey Corp. It will follow the main characters' adventures, challenges and transformation that might take place.
Rumors also claim that the newest instalment of the hit anime will also tackle interesting backstory of the Titans and the origin of the walls. "Attack On Titan" Season 2 will also highlight Krista and her family. It was reported that the Reiss family will be a hindrance for Eren and the residence on the walls.
"Attack On Titan" Season 2 will also showcase new Titans set to destroy and bring chaos to the walls.
According to reports, one of the upcoming Titan in the next season is Zeke who is very much alike to Eren. Zeke can also transform into a Titan in a more controlled manner. He appears to be more intelligent than the other Titans, thus making him a real threat to Eren when they go head to head against each other.
There is also a gigantic ape-like Titan who will make an appearance on season 2 and is sure to bring more havoc to the walls. With this, fans can expect a more action-packed series in the upcoming season.
Meanwhile, the manga version of "Attack On Titan" has also been making a buzz as it marked its 60th million printed copies worldwide. It is a major milestone for the manga series as it is one of the few that tops all western comics to date.
"Attack On Titan" Season 2 is expected to premiere on February 2017.