With the Tokyo Game Show 2016 just right about the corner, Koei Tecmo, a game developer known for its many hack-and-slash games, is already readying its line-up for showcasing, but more - these games will not just be Japan-exclusive, they will be having Western releases soon.
The said event will be up for three days in Japan starting on September 15 and will be a host to many new developing titles from game companies, apart from Koei Tecmo, in Japan.
In addition to the already announced Nioh and Berserk game titles which are slated for a PlayStation 4 release, Koei Tecmo will also be releasing other titles such as Toukiden 2, Samurai Warriors: Sanada Maru, Night Azure 2, and Atelier Firis: The Alchemist and the Mysterious Journey, all expected to be "within the year 2017" according to a report at Siliconera.
Of these games, Toukiden 2 is anticipated for the earliest release since having been made already available in the Japanese market after its release last July in all of Sony's current-gen and a previous platform.
Fans of RPG will also be catered with another game from the "Atelier" franchise with the release of Atelier Firis: The Alchemist and the Mysterious Journey on either the PlayStation 4 or PlayStation Vita platform on November 2 after some delays. However, excited fans of the franchise "might" only get to see the PlayStation 4 exhibit of the game when the event at Japan begins.
Meanwhile, other games that were mentioned in the list such as the Night Azure 2 (PlayStation 4 / PlayStation Vita) and Samurai Warriors: Sanada Maru (PlayStation 3 / PlayStation 4 / PlayStation Vita) that will be making appearances at the coming Tokyo Games Show are still left in the shadows in terms of their expected release dates.
Lastly, according to the anime platform, Anime News Network, fans of the Berserk franchise will get to play the game once it got its release on PlayStation 4 with a physical copy and on PlayStation Vita and PC via Steam with the game's digital copy.