Cartoon Network's famed kid animated series "Steven Universe" was unexpectedly put on hiatus while it was airing its fourth season. This might have kept fans worrying about the show's cancellation, but Rebecca Sugar already confirmed the series' comeback through "Gem Harvest." A preview of the new episode obviously invigorated fans, much more when the latest promo photo went out, hinting at Rose Quartz-focused new episodes.
"Steven Universe" creator Sugar teased fans that the show will come back featuring episodes that will focus on a Rose Quartz-story. This has been a good sign for fans since it indicated that the show still has a lot to showcase, hence leading to theories that the series will not end with season 4. However, Sugar did not reveal further details about the plotline and did not answer any questions about the exact air date of "Gem Harvest."
Sugar, along with voice cast members, ended all speculations during the recently concluded New York Comic Con, as they all confirmed that "Steven Universe" season 4 will still push through. Sugar then released a preview of the upcoming episode, which she titled "Gem Harvest."
While the creator did not specify the return date of the show, she revealed that Steven and the Gems will be seen again on TV this coming November. Talks then came out that "Gem Harvest" will be CN's surprise for the upcoming Thanksgiving, following the teaser video featuring planting and harvesting.
Meanwhile, Sugar dropped details about her inspiration in creating the cartoon series. It can be recalled that the show has sparked censorship issues with Cartoon Network since the plot of the show already seemed to be tackling more mature and sensitive themes that are no longer appropriate for kids' viewing.
"There have been fights. I try to be very emphatic about what I wanna do, and why I wanna do it, and I've been very lucky," Sugar said during the NYCC panel interview.
The creator also discussed about the relationship of Lapis and Peridot as seen on the "Gem Harvest" preview. She admitted that what the two gems have is "extremely toxic," but can be improved overtime.
"They are bringing out the absolute worst in each other," Sugar stated. "A lot of times when people describe a toxic, awful relationship it's sort of just like 'it's bad, just stop it,' but people don't necessarily talk about why it's such a hard thing to do. There's always more going on, it's almost never that black and white," she added.
More concrete spoilers for "Steven Universe" season 4 seem hard to come by, but fans will be glad to know they can ge so much more from the upcoming episode which will be 30 minutes long.