The Final Fantasy franchise is scheduled to release two titles this year. One of these games is the World of Final Fantasy. It is a chibi-inspired RPG game that focuses on the story of the twins Reyn and Lann. Unlike the other title, World of Final Fantasy is perhaps not the most-talked game since the day it was announced. However, after the demo was released a couple of weeks ago, it has been unexpectedly loved by the fans due to its addictive gameplay and entertaining callbacks.
According to the report from Game Rant, Final Fantasy franchise came back trying to make a statement in the remaining months of 2016. While World of Final Fantasy officially launches, Final Fantasy 15, on the other hand, will arrive later next month. Based on the report, World of Final Fantasy is an attractively crafter Final Fantasy experience. It is a kind of game that entices new fans and hopes to entice old fans as well.
The title's main plot follows the twin siblings Reynn and Lann as they travel the world of Grymoire. It is a world that consists of floating islands that resemble with the worlds of previous Final Fantasy games. The twins immediately shove into a conflict in Grymoire when they found themselves at the middle of a prophecy. Although, there are some groan-worthy moments and typical fantasy present on the storyline, the game's plot still manages to break through once the protagonists began to doubt the truth behind the Crimson Prophecy.
The gameplay of World of Final Fantasy features several new layers to the conventional turn-based dungeon crawling action in order for it to look fresh and captivating. On the other hand, the combat appears to be simple at first since the game is attempting to bridge the gap between old and new players. Later on, they will find themselves lost in the endless modification of their teams of Mirages.
In conclusion, World of Final Fantasy is an incredible blend of old-school JRPG mechanics and innovation, mold-shattering gameplay elements that challenge what a Final Fantasy game is supposed to look like. World of Final Fantasy has done pretty much the same and will go down as one of the best Final Fantasy games as to date.