Pokemon GO Gen 2 Update: Which Candy You Should Start Saving Now

Niantic has not revealed until now the exact release date of Pokémon GO Gen 2 yet there are already a ton of materials sprouting to help anticipating players. To suffice every trainer's thirst for the upcoming game, here's a guide on which Pokémon candy every player should be saving starting today for Pokémon GO Gen 2.

Pokémon GO Gen 2 - Candy You Should Save From Now On

One of the recurring questions for now in preparation for Pokémon GO Gen 2 is which candy trainers should starting saving from now on. To get every trainer started, it is safe to keep a bunch of Eevee Candy and a good amount of IV Eevees. Based on the present meta, this type of Candy could help trainers easily gain Espeon or Umbreon. It could also be safe to save more of Kingdra, Porygon2 and Scizor. On the other hand, Steelix would not be too powerful in the new game.

Pokémon GO Gen 2 - New Evolutions

Here's a quick rundown to the new evolutions: Zubat > Golbat > Crobat (max CP 2348); Onix > Steelix (max CP 2080); Scyther > Scizor (max CP 2270); Horsea > Seadra > Kingdra (max CP 2671); Porygon > Porygon2 (max CP 2653); Chansey > Blissey (max CP 1234).

For pre-evolutions: Pichu (max CP 426) > Pikachu > Raichu; Cleffa (max CP 599) > Clefairy > Clefable; Igglybuff (max CP 612) > Jigglypuff > Wigglypuff; Tyrogue (max CP 550) > Hitmonchan/Hitmonlee/Hitmontop (max CP 1515); Smoochum (max CP 820) > Jynx; Elekid (max CP 1166) > Electabuzz; Magby (max CP 1270) > Magmar.

For spli-evolutions, Oddish > Gloom > Bellosom (max CP 2394); Poliwag > Poliwhirl > Politoed (max CP 2460); Eevee > Umbreon (max CP 2311); Eevee > Espeon (max CP 2252); Slowpoke > Slowking (max CP 2597).

Take note that with the split evolution of Tyrogue between Himonchan, Hitmonlee and the new Hitmontop, Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee candies are likely to be merged. Also, be advised to save up Candy for all types of crossover evolutions.

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