After taking a break for a month, the popular animated television series titled "Steven Universe" has returned with three new episodes. The three episodes introduced a chilling story that involves Steven's dreams and his adventures with the Gems. The said series returned just before January bade good bye this year.
Cartoon Network has finally continued airing the current season of "Steven Universe" after the said series went on a hiatus during the winter break. After the animated show left fans with an episode about Steven's story back when he was a baby, the three new episodes then revealed a more mature content that surely blown the minds of viewers. The first two comeback episodes were aired on Jan. 30, which were episodes 10 and 11, while episode 12 was then aired just on Jan. 31.
Episodes 10 and 11, which were respectively named "Steven's Dream" and "Adventures in Light Distortion", took its avid viewers on a bizarre journey that involved the Gems and that answered some of the mysteries in the show. Steven had a strange dream that actually made him cry and it involved Pink Diamond so he sought the help of Greg, traveling together to Korea to reveal the truth behind the meanings of his dream.
Steven has actually approached the Gems about this but they refused to explain the strange dream to him hence the turn of events, which led Steven and the Gems on a journey to rescue Greg after he was abducted by the Blue Diamond. Episode 12, titled "Gem Heist" continues the story wherein the Gems sneak into the space station that once belonged to the Pink Diamond to save Greg. But to do so undetected, they had to play out the roles that were made for them.
The said episode revealed a peek of the relationships between the Diamonds, the Pink and Blue in particular, which the show has practically kept in the dark. With the developments and plot twists, fans are already looking forward to the next episode, "The Zoo", which will air on Feb. 1 on Cartoon Network. "Steven Universe" Season 4 kicked off in August 2016 with the show's 104th episode.