The present story arc of "One Piece" Chapters 857, 858 is about to end. A new Supernova Arc and is slated to launch this month. Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates are already on the island of Big Mom ready to save Sanji. But it seems the return to their ship will not be easy.
It Is Luffy's Turn To Save Sanji
Sanji has left everything in trying to save his family who was captured by Big Mom. Now, it is the Pirates' turn to stop Big Mom from killing Sanji in his wedding with Pudding. In the upcoming "One Piece" Chapters 857, 858, Luffy will be forced to team up with an enemy to save Sanji.
The Real Motive Of Big Mom Is Exposed
But Jinbe will expose the motives of Big Mom in conducting the wedding in "One Piece" Chapters 857, 858. He revealed that ruler of Whole Cake Island is planning to kill the Vinsmoke Clan once they are gathered at the wedding. Her ultimate intention is to rule over the whole Germa Kingdom and build the strongest army in the world.
Sanji Hesitates To Return With The Pirates
Meanwhile, Sanji has not decided if he will return with the Straw Hat Pirates. He will be able to communicate with Sanji by using a mirror in "One Piece" Chapters 857, 858. But the Pirates will try their best to convince him to return with them. Luffy will have no recourse but to face the big fat Queen and her big army.
Jinbe's Plan Seems To Be The Best Way
It seems Jinbe's plan is their best way to save Sanji and the Vinsmokes. Luffy will agree with Jinbe's plane in "One Piece" Chapters 857, 858. He will make a deal with Gang Bege. But this character is the captain of the Firetank Pirates who is currently subservient to Big Mom. Therefore, this will be a risky move for the Pirates.
Could The Pirates Save Sanji And The Vinsmokes?
It is believed that Gang Bege will handle the security preparations for the wedding in "One Piece" Chapters 857, 858. If Luffy can get his cooperation, then they will be able to enter the wedding without any trouble. They could then make the assault on Big Mom and save Sanji and the Vinsmoke clan.