The ongoing second season of "Attack on Titan", also known as "Shingeki no Kyojin" is nearing its conclusion with only a few episodes left. Though the third season has yet to be announced, fans who have been following the manga already know what's going to happen next.
The latest episode of "Attack on Titan", which has yet to air this weekend, will see the awaited encounter between the Survey Corps and two of the enemy titans, namely the Colossus titan and the Armored Titan. Bertolt and Reiner, who possess the abilities of these two titans will clash with the Survey Corps in the latter's attempt to save Ymir and Eren. However, things won't go as well as planned and new revelations will come out pertaining to Eren's true identity as well as his Assault titan's true abilities.
With the pace the anime is going, it is most likely that it will end with the Survey Corps final battle against the Beast titan, which also features the appearance of Peak, another Marley titan. Some fans have voiced out that Levi has missed out a lot in the second season of "Attack on Titan" Season 2 but this shouldn't be a worry because he will have huge roles to come. In the upcoming encounter against the Beast titan, Levi will be the one who monstrously kills a dozen of titans and even almost kill Beast or Zeke.
This event leads to countless sacrifices, leaving Levi and Hange to lead the remaining soldiers of the Survey Corps. They also gain possession of titan powers and have some of the members become titans. With the Survey Corps' dwindling numbers, they set off to the heart of Paradis to another mission that involves the true story of the royal family. "Attack On Titan" Season 3 will surely put into light the truth surrounding the existence of Paradis and the titans and will certainly introduce the Marley regime that has started this all.