The popular American comedy-drama series, “Orange is the New Black” has experienced unexpected turn of events. The cast has revealed that they were opposed to one character’s death. Meanwhile, the said show might run up to the seventh season only.
Netflix just released “Orange is the New Black” Season 5 and the last season’s unexpected twists linger on. One of the unwanted surprises in the series was Poussey Washington’s death, which was revealed in Season 4. Fans were heartbroken by her death but it seems like the cast also felt the same way.
Series creator Jenji Kohan admitted that she hated to lose Samira Wiley, who portrayed the role of Poussey. However, she explained that her death was essential in the story as it will have an impact on the characters and be the pivotal issue in “Orange is the New Black” Season 5. She revealed that Poussey’s death actually enraged some of the cast, raising why Kohan had to kill off Wiley from the show because they weren’t able to separate the character from the actor.
While “Orange is the New Black” Season 6 has yet to air, it has already been predicted just how many seasons the said show will run. In an interview with The New York Times, Kohan also admitted that the comedy drama might last up to Season 7 only. She said she has not made the final decision yet but she is leaning toward the possibility of wrapping up the series in the seventh installment.
The possibility of ending “Orange is the New Black” after Season 7 is backed up by the notion that the end of the storylines is approaching especially with major characters’ backstories emerging one by one. Kohan did emphasize that this has not been confirmed yet. She said that the show’s nature is one that can go on for a long time if new characters are introduced.