The American legal drama series, “Suits” is gearing up for its return with a new season this July. Whilst promoting the series, one of the cast who has been romantically linked with a British prince has been bombarded with questions and was even the butt of jokes of her fellow cast members.
Last weekend, the cast and creators of “Suits” attended the ATX Festival in Austin, Texas. Actress Meghan Markle who have been in the series since the first season was there to join them. She and the rest of cast apparently did a live table read of the first episode of “Suits”. Co-actor Rick Hoffman, who plays the role of the misunderstood Louis Litt, took this as an opportunity to make a discreet and harmless jab at Markle’s love life. The actor asked Markle if she wanted to read her lines in a British accent, which caused laughter among the cast.
Aside from the table read, the show’s panel was open for a session of questions and answers. Though the panel was there to promote the new season of “Suits”, press flocked on Markle and asked away about her relationship with Prince Harry. The actress may not have avoided the questions but she refused to entertain them by keeping mum and smiling at the press. The British royal family will surely be proud of her for not letting out anything. Ever since Markle’s relationship with Prince Harry was publicized, the actress was constantly surrounded by the press since she’s the easiest to approach.
The actress reportedly even stayed at a different hotel from the rest of the cast by herself to probably make sure that no one is inconvenienced with the paparazzi that have been following her. In light of the upcoming season of “Suits”, Markle is excited for her character named Rachel Zane because she finally becomes a lawyer, which is something she has always dreamt of. Co-star Patrick J. Adams, who portrays the role of Mike Ross and Rachel’s love interest, revealed that Markle is clearly happy nowadays about the series and that even with her relationship, she has been professional on set. Adams said he has yet to meet the prince and he’s pretty sure that Markle won’t bring him to the set because it’s their workplace.