At any given day, Niantic Labs is eagerly awaited by Pokemon Go fans to roll out their latest update for the game - the one that includes Buddy Pokemon! With this system, you are now free to choose any of your Pokemon in your inventory, the selected Pokemon will go wherever you will go. On top of that, you will be earning Pokemon candy that corresponds to your Buddy Pokemon for every kilometer(s) travelled. This feature is very useful for those rare Pokemon that you already have but very difficult to find another one for candy grinding. It should be a fun addition to Pokemon Go, but as with most of the game's other features, there appears to be some strategy to choosing a buddy as well.
After reporting about the Gym Defenders Tier List last month, this article will be reporting the Buddy Pokemon Tier List, as posted by The Pokemon Hub. This lists ranks all 142 Pokemon that are currently in the game based on efficiency as Buddies. The formulas that is used take into account are: the value of walking a Pokemon, potential CP outcome, Pokemon's spawn rate, and last but not least - evolution time for a Pokemon via walking alone.
To bring you a concise report, we have just chosen to show the top 5 but you can always visit here for the full list.