Overwatch Update: D.Va Changes On PTR Set To Go Live Without Any Changes

The Overwatch community was welcomed with a myriad of surprises following the January PTR update and one of the changes that they've noticed is the significant balance update on the popular tank, D.Va. Today, a prominent developer in Overwatch gave his opinion about the matter and explained why the PTR balance update on D.Va will soon go live.

Overwatch Update: D.Va Balance Changes

Geoff Goodman, the principal designer in Overwatch has shared his opinion about the changes on D.Va particularly the significant "nerf" on the hero. In an official community thread he said : "As for her health/armor, the bottom line is she's intended to be weaker vs faster firing weapons (and shotguns), such as Reaper and Tracer. The game is a lot healthier when heroes have strengths and weaknesses versus other heroes." He then added: "As for her health/armor, the bottom line is shes intended to be weaker vs faster firing weapons (and shotguns), such as Reaper and Tracer. The game is a lot healthier when heroes have strengths and weaknesses versus other heroes."

Amidst some complains, it appears that the majority of the feedbacks were positive and that it's still looking good for D.Va on the current PTR. With that said, if things go according to plan, all of these changes will soon hit on the live version upon the next update which is set before the end of January. To give you a heads up for the upcoming changes, this is the entire balance update on D.Va:

Health increased to 400 (from 200)
Armor decreased to 200 (from 400)
Fusion Cannons:
Bullet damage reduced to 2 (from 3)
Number of bullets per shot increased to 11 (from 8)

Goodman implied that all of these changes will soon come to the live version untouched meaning that the meta will be more open and diverse contrary to the current state where triple tanks are reigning in the competitive ladder. The damage reduction is merely a "small nerf" considering that the number of bullets per shot is increased - giving more space for consistent damage and missed shots.

As for the other heroes, Goodman hasn't yet revealed if they're planning to make any further updates specifically on Roadhog's hook. It can be noted that the hero, on PTR, has just received its second tweak which many fans were delighted about specially that they're making the hook feel a lot better now than it was before. See the entire PTR update here.

Do you agree on D.Va's PTR changes? Share your thoughts in the comments down below!

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