FOX’s popular comedy show, “New Girl” has just aired its final episode for its sixth season. However, it is uncertain whether or not the last episode is the series ender. Despite the uncertainty, the show runners are still optimistic about the show’s future as they share the possible plots for “New Girl” Season 7.
Will 'New Girl' Season 7 Happen?
As “New Girl” Season 6 bids goodbye with Episode 22 titled “Five Stars for Beezus”, the executive producers of the said FOX show sat down with TVLine to talk about its future. Brett Baer and Dave Finkel have shed some light on a possible seventh season and though it stills seems unclear, it is most likely to happen. Baer admitted though that FOX initially told them that affirmation of a renewal will still be bleak by the time the finale of Season 6 airs so they were instructed to prepare an appropriate conclusion that can cater to the two possibilities.
Baer further said that so far the buzz about the renewal on “New Girl” Season 7 is pretty good because all they have been hearing is that it will most likely be greenlighted. He also added that the whole cast from the newly ended season will return for “New Girl” Season 7 if it happens. He emphasized that everyone has revealed their intention to return for a new season.
Possible Plots For “New Girl” Season 7 Teased
“New Girl” Season 6 finale was a great episode, putting fans in a rollercoaster of surprises that left the beloved characters of the show with happy endings. Though it is still not confirmed that the show might be renewed, there are already tons of angles for “New Girl” Season 7, which includes the anticipated adventure of Schmidt being a father. There’s also Winston’s dad, who he has yet to meet, and the reunion between Jess and Nick after finally reconciling with their true feelings.
Baer revealed that he badly wants “New Girl” Season 7 to happen because they have so many potential ideas and it includes Cece’s pregnancy. He also elaborated that Nick and Jess getting back together would be tackled with dynamic and creative solutions so fans wouldn’t have to go through another on and off relationship of the two. There’s also so much that can happen after Jess returns from her summer getaway in Portland if that pushes through. Finkel is reportedly interested in Nick’s character development but Baer wants to work more on Winston and Schmidt’s stories.