"Titanfall 2" features a multiplayer action which may be a little confusing for some players at the beginning. For those who are having a difficulty in the new Networks system, here is a guideline to help players power up and join up with friends to take titans down.
In order to get started with "Titanfall 2" multiplayer party, someone from a team of players should create a Network. To create a Network, the player needs to go to the menu and look for Network. Then, under the Network tab, the player should select "My Networks" and click on the Admin tab to finally create a Network.
Once a Network has been created, the player should name the Network and set it accordingly as social, listed or public. Other "Titanfall 2" players in the team can now join in. To join the network, players should also go to Network from the menu then click "Browse."
In order to search for a specific Network, players should type in the name of the Titanfall 2 Network they want to join in and search. It is important to note that the "Members" option must be set to "Any" before proceeding with the search. Then, the players can now select name of the Network as it appears.
When all the players from the team has already joined in the Network, players should now click "Play" on the menu then select "Invite Network." The "Invite Network" feature is set to send out an invitation to everyone in the Titanfall 2 Network for them to be able to join in the next game.
This "Titanfall 2" feature, however, will only work for a single game, reportedly. It means that if "Titanfall 2" players in the same network will not leave matchmaking, they may end up in different games. So, to continue playing with the same team of players, players should look up on the "Play" menu and invite the network all over again. Watch "Titanfall 2" official trailer here.